HEART STOPPING EQUINE! Tyrone is truly a one of a kind stallion! Each and every person who see's him is struck speechless, in awe, no exaggeration! We…
Stud Fee: $750PLEASE TEXT ME ON MY CELL...... our phone number.....) I DO NOT ALWAYS GET MESSAGES ANYWHERE ELSE... , CF Whirlin Thunder's newest filly, super sweet, athletic…
Stud Fee: $650Bodo EDI -- Bon Coeur x Freudenprinz x Rubinstein EARLY BOOKING NOW Reg. 750/Dose Bodo EDI is a Black 16.3 1/2hh Hanoverian stallion combining toppers…
Stud Fee: $550Influencer EDI - Asgard's Ibiza x De Niro x Calypso II EARLY BOOKING BY THE DOSE Influencer is a black 16.3 hh Hanoverian stallion combining…
Stud Fee: $550Hexenbiest is the only LPLP Sugarbish Harlequin Draft stallion in the ASHDA Main Book, but not only that, he is EE 7panel NN, and carries the coveted E…
Stud Fee: $800JENSON'S MONTE MAX 23274-S Discount for Registered Shire, Gypsy, Drum & Clydesdale Mares!!! Maxx has natural balance and collection, with exceptional…
Stud Fee: $800The Messenger AKA Audi Coming 3y/o 17+hh Unproven Canadian Sport Horse Stallion. Currently no foals on the ground. Will be undergoing CSHA stud books…
Stud Fee: $500Gizmo produces correct and tractable sport and pure Clyde youngsters. With his amazingly quiet and docile temperament great movement and athletic ability…
Not Available