2019, Peacock Leopard Appaloosa Stallion, Double Registered ApHC and ICAA. 100% Foundation, Gap 5, 6 panel health neg., DNA profile: a/a (Homozygous),…
Stud Fee: $1,000We are proud to be standing at stud the 15.2+H Homozygous Black and Homozygous Tobiano Gypsy stallion "Lazarus"; the 17.1h purebred Friesian stallion …
Stud Fee: $750Great grandson to the legendary Two Eyed Jack, grandson of Fiddle on Jack. Own son to Twist of Blue Magic. He is HOMOZYGOUS BLACK AND DUN! He can never…
Stud Fee: $1,500Double Registered ApHC and ICAA, Black Peacock Leopard, 100% Foundation, GAP 5/F5, 6 panel health N/N, DNA: a/a(Homozygous) nd1/nd2, E/E(Homozygous), n…
Stud Fee: $1,000DSK PHANTOM LEGACY is Standing at Stud. He is NOT for sale. We will have foals by him and our other stallions for sale. Now offered to the public…
Stud Fee: $1,350This is Earl's first public breeding season, as a 2 year old over the summer he covered a few mares for a friend, due in July! For his first year he will…
Stud Fee: $375Standing at the Flying H Ranch in Cottonwood, California - MIDNIGHT EXHIBITION. Midnight is a foundation speed bred Quarter Horse Stallion. Bloodlines…
Stud Fee: $750Black Ice is a High Percentage Foundation Morgan of predominantly Western Working Morgan bloodlines. He will standing to the public in Phelan, CA by Live…
Stud Fee: $1,000