GAY BAR DRUMMER: APHA #3 Point Earning Stallion with 2,089 Pts, 6X World Champion (4X Working Cow Horse and 2X Steer Stopping) and 3X Reserve World…
Stud Fee: $850Ace will be standing for the 1st time in 2024. 7panel neg. They are frame overo, PSSM1, HERDA, GBED, MH, HYPP, with the recent addition of MYHM/IMM. We…
Stud Fee: $500POCOCITO COWBOY is a 2009 homozygous black and dun Grulla. His foals will always be black based and carry the dun gene. HIs color genetics are EE/aa/CrN…
Stud Fee: $600Great grandson to the legendary Two Eyed Jack, grandson of Fiddle on Jack. Own son to Twist of Blue Magic. He is HOMOZYGOUS BLACK AND DUN! He can never…
Stud Fee: $1,500