Offering for public service for the first time! Tradewinds Herrick, a 16.2 hand grey Percheron Stallion. He is pssm1 n/n via parentage. Hemi has enjoyed…
Stud Fee: $800Offered at Stud: Smokin a Pack A Day 16hh+ buckskin stallion. Perfect conformation, smarts, great personality, friendly, well-mannered with SPEED and…
Stud Fee: $500Double Registered ApHC and ICAA, Black Peacock Leopard, 100% Foundation, GAP 5/F5, 6 panel health N/N, DNA: a/a(Homozygous) nd1/nd2, E/E(Homozygous), n…
Stud Fee: $1,0003 Bar S Ranch is offering STUD SERVICE ONLY! APHA registered, Excellent Disposition, Excellent Bloodlines, to include Gaybar King and Eternal Sun, put…
Stud Fee: $6753 Bar S Ranch is offering STUD SERVICE ONLY! Que Vadis King! APHA registered, Excellent Disposition, Excellent Bloodlines, put some beauty and quality…
Stud Fee: $6753 Bar S Ranch is offering STUD SERVICE ONLY! AQHA registered Double Line Bred 4 Generation Two Eyed Jack, San Peppy! , Excellent Disposition ,Excellent…
Stud Fee: $675MR SPLASHTASTIC is standing at stud, starting in 2024. He is NOT for sale. Photo in his everyday clothes, as a 2 year old. His first foals are due in…
Stud Fee: $1,250Frozen doses available- price is per dose- multi dose discount available. 100% one dose pregnancy success for our clients last year. SSFR Light My…
Stud Fee: $1,000