Call about Private Treaty! Call About Discount If Booked Before March! Also Multi Mare, Breed Back and Referral Discounts! Standing in Southern California…
Stud Fee: $800Stallions at Stud in 2025 at Richill Farms. The Morgan offers Live Cover or Frozen Semen, and the Thoroughbred's Live Cover Only.
Stud Fee: $1,000Black Ice is a High Percentage Foundation Morgan of predominantly Western Working Morgan bloodlines. He will standing to the public in Phelan, CA by Live…
Stud Fee: $1,000RDA Oro Blanco (Oro) is a palomino and white (dominant white, sabino) stallion. He is triple registered with the Jockeyclub (JC), American Quarterhorse…
Stud Fee: $1,000Flashy Nez Perce stallion. Extremely rare breed. 'Reinvented' by the Nez Perce Native American tribe in Idaho, a tribe well known in history for their…
Stud Fee: $500Purebred smokey black Akhal Teke Stallion out of the Fakirpelvan line. This breed originates in Turkmenistan, where they are the national emblem. They…
Stud Fee: $750Flashy, handsome chestnut Thoroughbred stallion with chrome. Grandson of Chef de race Carson City, great grandson of Secretariat. Looks like his great…
Stud Fee: $750Machiavelli d’Oro (Machi) is a genetically dominant white stallion, standing his first season at ATO Horses Farm in Temecula, CA. His sire is RDA Oro…
Stud Fee: $750