Offering for public service for the first time! Tradewinds Herrick, a 16.2 hand grey Percheron Stallion. He is pssm1 n/n via parentage. Hemi has enjoyed…
Stud Fee: $800The Kerry Prince is standing for the 2025 season at New Paris Equine Center in Indiana. Jasper is an outstanding producer with near perfect conformation…
Stud Fee: $1,400FOR BREEDING ONLY NOT FOR SALE. I’ve received 10k offer to buy this guy and I didnt sell him I’m sure not selling him to you for 500. This is a stallion…
Stud Fee: $500Used in hand breeding. Has sired many nice Friesian Haritage Sport horses. Jorrit bloodlines. Also rides but has been only breeding for the past 3 years…
Not Available