Hexenbiest is the only LPLP Sugarbish Harlequin Draft stallion in the ASHDA Main Book, but not only that, he is EE 7panel NN, and carries the coveted E…
Stud Fee: $800Ranger is a 36" tall unregistered bay pinto available for live cover. Both eyes are brown with blue. He has a wonderful disposition. His first foal with…
Stud Fee: $250Chestnut 2021 17.3 hh (Mature 18 hh) Fee for 2025: Private Treaty Sire: Mendelssohn Dam: Celtic Chant We are so fortunate to have the opportunity…
No Price Listed2025 Breeding Contracts are Open Color Panel Added Below 650 stud fee 150 deposit due at booking (comes out of total) Live Foal Guarantee Multiple…
Stud Fee: $650RBP Knight Royalty 2013 Black Tobiano Stallion Standing at 15.3 hands Approximately 1,200 lbs HYPP N/N Awaiting color traits results (homo/heter…
Stud Fee: $850Little Lucky Streke has 2 foal crops on the ground(his oldest are yearlings) he is great minded, and although he is on the shorter side he is siring great…
Not Available