!!'INTENSIONS' HAS A NEW ZIP CODE!! CALICO PRAIRIE PAINTS and QUARTER HORSES is thrilled to welcome: Eight Time World Champion, …
Stud Fee: $1,500Outstanding bloodlines, solid built with a very good mind for western or classic sports. Due to owner's health issues ; please make an offer, it will…
Stud Fee: $111 CADComanche is the picture of the ultimate cow horse. Unshown due to injury (but slowly making a comeback), we are expecting his first foal crop in 2025.…
Stud Fee: $900Eros is standing for his final year in 2025. He is a proven producer with winning offspring in the Halter, Ranch, Western, and English arenas. His foals…
Stud Fee: $850GAY BAR DRUMMER: APHA #3 Point Earning Stallion with 2,089 Pts, 6X World Champion (4X Working Cow Horse and 2X Steer Stopping) and 3X Reserve World…
Stud Fee: $850⭐️ 2016 Bay Homozygous Tobiano Paint stallion - Guaranteed to produce color and regular registry progeny ⭐️ 7 Panel N/N (HYPP, HERDA, PSSM1, GBED, MH…
Stud Fee: $750Tru Power Phoenix has excellent bloodlines that include multiple world champions such as A Tru Rolex, Zan Parr Bar, Gay Bar Drummer, and A Tru Sonny Dee…
Stud Fee: $350Nathan is a laid back, easy keeper, halter, leads and lifts feet. He is on allbreedpedigree. Along with the results of disease and colour testing of…
Not Available