Rare Breed Nez Perce Stallion at Stud in Sage, Southern California

Rare Breed Nez Perce Stud in Sage, Southern CA

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Bay Roan Other Stallion

Temecula, CA
Stud Fee: $500
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ATO Horses
All Around, Foundation Bred, Color Producer, Tri Color
Additional Comments

Flashy Nez Perce stallion. Extremely rare breed. 'Reinvented' by the Nez Perce Native American tribe in Idaho, a tribe well known in history for their horse breeding skills. During the times of Chief Joseph, this horse breed was far superior to any enemy horses, which ultimately led to its destruction as a collective breed. Thought to be extinct, the Nez Perce tribe bred Akhal Teke stallions and Appaloosa mares to revive this magnificent powerful horse.

Ato Horses

Horse farm featuring Thoroughbreds, as well as Akhal Tekes and Nez Perce Horses. Our goal is to promote healthy, sound, strong, energetic, and athletic all around sporthorses. We have also taken in rescue, senior, and injured horses as a retirement home and / or rehabilitative training. Some of our breeds are rare and we offer breeding for color.

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