Pax Asgard af Pegasus: Knabstrupper Stallion 100% Color Producer

Pax Asgard af Pegasus Knabstrupper Stud 100% Color Producer

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Warmblood Stallion

Stud Fee: $1,450
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Big Vine Ranch
All Around, Dressage, Driving, English, Equitation, Eventing, Foundation Bred, Field Hunter, Fox Hunter, Harness, Color Producer, Homozygous, Hunter, Jumper, Hunter Jumper, Performance, Vaulting
Additional Comments

100% Leopard Genetic Producer: homozygous for both the LP and PATN1 genes, meaning he will always pass one copy of each gene to his offspring. As a result, every foal will carry the genetics for leopard coat pattern.

‘Pax’ has quickly become one of the most prolific sires of high-quality Knabstrupper offspring in North America, and proven to be a sire of exceptional quality, consistently producing premium sport horse type foals.

Big Vine Ranch

We are a family-owned operation rooted in a deep-seated passion for horses. Big Vine Ranch began with the simple union of a multi-generational farmer and a passionate horsewoman. Their passions were passed down to their four daughters, who have continued to honor their families’ traditions by loving horses and living the ranch lifestyle. Our roots trace back to farming in Michigan, the Morven Park School of Riding, and living next to The Horse Park at Woodside in California.

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Pedigree for Pax Asgard af Pegasus

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