Judah was foaled on March 29th, 2016. He is a gorgeous blue roan jack with a blaze, primitive striping, a shoulder cross, excellent bone, and superb breeding…
Stud Fee: $700Mammoth Jack 15.1 HH, registered in AJMR and ADMS. Frozen Semen ships out of Ocala Florida or can be picked up.
Stud Fee: $300NASMDA "SeventyTimes7" "Mojo" Mammoth jack donkey for stud - MARES ONLY Easy to handle with good disposition. Quiet and gentle with mares. Broke under…
Stud Fee: $450This is Earl's first public breeding season, as a 2 year old over the summer he covered a few mares for a friend, due in July! For his first year he will…
Stud Fee: $375Miniature Black Jack Grey nose and belly Un-Registered Not For Sale Stud Service Only, fee includes one week of boarding for your mare. No Shipped…
Stud Fee: $100Sept 2024 Private Family's Ranch Mini livestock animals for sale We have babys mini donkeys Boy n girl not related future breeders Call for new…
Stud Fee: $3,000one side of our property to nursing zone "for hands on loving" (why boys in trailer) so they can go out n graze on our full grass paddocks - and turn in…
Stud Fee: $3,800"Birch" is a very athletic and levelheaded animal. He is very sweet and wants to be your friend, which he passes on to his foals. This jack is available…
Stud Fee: $600